Synopsis of A Court of Silver Flames: Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Silver Flames book detailed with author name, pages, published, and genres.

For every Nesta out there- climb the mountain.

A Court of Silver Flames, a novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas gained much attraction, both good and bad. A lot of people either absolutely loved this book—like some of my friends who adored it—or they didn’t finish it, found it boring, or had other reasons for disliking it.

So, I’ve decided to write a Synopsis (Spoiler at the end) and review of this book for those who don’t want to read the whole book and still confuse to select this book or not. I also reviewed Sarah J. Maas House of Earth and Blood, which is an adult novel.

A Court of Silver Flames-Synopsis

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas is a dual-perspective story following Nesta Archeron and Cassian. Nesta is really broken after the battle with Hybern. She was turned into a Fae against her will, she lost her father, and she has a lot to deal with. She starts off as a very broken character—she’s in a depression, engaging in self-harm, drinking, and making bad decisions. Her friends, the Inner Circle, want something better for her. They thought she would eventually snap out of this lifestyle, but it’s not happening.

So, Feyre and Rhysand give her an ultimatum: either she starts getting her life together by training with Cassian and living in the House of Wind, or they will send her off to the human lands. Nesta is openly hostile toward this idea, but eventually, she accepts it. The story focuses on her growth from there. A lot of it deals with her overcoming her inner turmoil, and it’s much deeper than I expected.

She starts training and meets others going through similar struggles, and together they help each other. Meanwhile, her relationship with Cassian begins to develop—they start to understand each other better, and I really liked that this was a dual-perspective story. We get to see Cassian’s view of Nesta and watch her growth through his eyes, which is done very well.

A Court of Silver Flames-Book Review

As for writing style and pacing, this is where I had a few small issues. If you’re a fan of Sarah J. Maas, her writing style is very digestible, and you’ll love it. Her writing hasn’t changed much. However, I had some pacing issues, mainly related to the smut. Now, I’m totally okay with smut—if you’re reading Sarah J. Maas, you expect some—but this book is very adult, with lots of F-bombs and sexual content.

Some of the scenes felt randomly placed and slowed down the pacing of the story. The last ten chapters, however, flew by as the plot developed quickly, which felt a bit uneven. I think the Sensual scenes could have been spread out more to improve the pacing, but that’s just my opinion. Overall, I loved this book. I read it in about three days, so clearly, the pacing didn’t hinder me too much. But if I had to critique the book, that would be my main point.

A court of silver flames spicy chapters

Smut Chapters in A Court of Silver Flames

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Date Published: February 16, 2021

Pages: 757 pages, Hardcover

Goodreads Rating: 4.4/5

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To conclude, while there is good character development in A Court of Silver Flames, I’m more of a plot-driven reader, and I think that’s why I struggled with this book. There are very personal aspects of the story that Sarah poured into the book, and while that’s wonderful because it’s her passion project, it didn’t quite align with what I was expecting based on the first four books. 

Spoiler Alert: Key Moments and Twists in A Court of Silver Flames

Nesta struggles with deep trauma and self-destructive behaviors after the events of the war.

Nesta and Cassian share a powerful mating bond, which is revealed as their relationship grows. Despite initial resistance from Nesta, they ultimately accept their bond and become mates.

Feyre becomes pregnant with a child with wings as a result of her Illyrian transformation. The pregnancy presents serious concerns, as a normal birth could kill both her and the baby. Nesta uses her newfound abilities to save both Feyre and the kid, cementing her change.


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